Scam is a big problem in on-line dating, but some people want to make it even bigger. Sure communication in virtual world when you cannot see a person in real life is not usual and may be dangerous. Meantime you must remember that communication in real world when you can see a person with your own eyes may be uncomfortable as well. If you are in the Internet it means you didn't find your mate in real life, doesn't it? So your communication in real life wasn't lucky and failed. It doesn't mean someone lied to you or you lied to your partner. It just means you are different people and cannot be together.The problems is that some people write about scam in the same situation on the on-line dating site. If someone cannot find common language with a girl from the picture, he reports scam. If someone didn't get a response he had planned to get, he repots scam. If a girl couldn't be in time on the video chat, he reports scam. But think, if girls always come to dating in time? And if the girl comes in time, may you be sure she will match you? One must think such things very seriously. If you take it in more calm way, you will make the life easier.
Despite all problems in communication there are reliable dating sites in the Internet. Romancecompass is one of them. Try and you will see.
Yes, I agree that Romance Compass is one of the brand new reliable dating sites. Now I'm communicating with a girl named Yana there and I've already seen her in video chat!
ОтветитьУдалитьI wish you luck. If two persons want to build relationships, they will do it either in virtual or in real world!
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ОтветитьУдалитьThanks for the post, Anna. It's great! I also have a positive experience with Advice to everybody!
ОтветитьУдалитьMilana, your attention is very important. To share real experience is great, you can rely upon the expert's opinion :)