четверг, 16 января 2014 г.

She Hates the Music You Like

Such things happen between the couple. You two grown-up people and you have  your  own  likes  and dislikes. Sure you want your girl to share your interests at least in some sides and you are glad to show her the treasures  you  have,  the things you like and enjoy. It is normal and such  richness is an important part of the relationships, but you must remember  that  the  interest  must  be mutual. Are you angry that she doesn't   like   football?  Please,  reply  to  your self if you would in delight to knit a scarf for her as she does.
Some  interests  are  special,  but  some of them are mutual or may be mutual.  Music,  cinema,  books,  architecture,  outdoors  activities, spending  time  with friends, cooking, coffee in the morning and a lot of  other  things  you  are  doing together make you two closer. Don't neglect  them  if  you  think  they  are  not important. Everything is important if it helps you to be closer.
If  she  hates the music you like, ask her about her favorite song and listen to it first. You will see that next time she will ask you about your  favorites and will be more friendly to it. Do the first step and you will get a reply!

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