Women experience in relatioships isn't something people take listless. Some men think it is better to get fun with experiened women but an unexperienced girl is the best candidate to get married with. They think if the girl has no opportuniry to compare, she would never lose her love and respect for her husband. Nowadasy such ideas are a bit old-fashioned. The most common idea is that if the girl didn't fall in love with other men before wedding, she would do it afterwards. To say the truth, it is so in both cases. Men also want new experience and do their best to get it. Relationships may be stable and serious if both sides know what they want and treasure what they get from each other. And one cannot know what one wants if one has no experience in this field. Don't be afraid if your girl had her own past, it is normal. Be happy you are her present. If she is smart and devoted enough to do the same, our experience in the past will be the best background for our common present and future!
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