Your reaction must depend on the stage of your relationships. If it is your first or second mail and you have no serious relations yet, it isn't worthy to demand on getting a reply. Probably she isn't interested enough and usually we don't spend time to explain such things. If you keep sending her mails asking for her reply, you get her answer that she doesn't like you and isn't interested. It is what you knew from the very beginning, so what would you bother her for? If technical problems are excluded, you know she received your mail and she doesn't answer, it means she doesn't want it and it must not bother you. You don't know each other yet, so each of you may keep searching.
Another situation takes place when you are corresponding rather long time, show and prove common interest and all of a sudden she stops writing. You may start worrying, it is a situation of this kind. She is an alive person, something bad may happen to her, she probably has problems, it is a reason she doesn't write. But it isn't a good decision to send her thousand mails about your ideas. If she is so busy, she would not read them and would not answer. You must write her one short note to assure her that you will understand her situation and you are always here if she wants to share her cares. Usually it is enough. Each girl will accept it and when time comes, she would easier declare her feelings!
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