вторник, 25 февраля 2014 г.

Romance Compass in Coming Spring!

The  last  week  of winter is here! Some days till the end of the most dark,  sad  and  cold  season of the year. It is time when you want to close  your  eyes and see nothing, when you want to come home and stay
indoors,   when  you don't want to go out. If you are working, you see just  dark  streets under the cloudy sky, you are working during short sunny  hours.  It  is  time  when feelings are sleeping and the person
stops thinking about future but keeps thinking about present moment. And  this  cold  time  is  coming  to  the  end! Some days to wait and psychological  barrier  will  be passed, it will be spring air, spring
flowers, spring mood and spring feelings!
If  you  have  already  met your second part, it is time to renew your feelings.  If  you  haven't met her yet, you may go to Romance Compass any  moment! Your love is waiting for your the last days of winter for
the long spring happiness!

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