пятница, 7 февраля 2014 г.

What if Your Relatives Don't Accept Her?

It  is  a  big  problem.  Your  family  is  people  you get used to be together, you know for ages, you consult in strict situations and they probably  have  already  helped  you  when  you need it. Their opinion surely  is  very  important for you. If your parents don't want a girl from  another  country,  they have a lot of opportunities to make your and  your  wife's life hard and desperate. If you don't want permanent war in your own home you must care about it beforehand.
The  most important thing in this situation is to explain your parents that  you  value their opinion and take them with big respect, but you live  your  own  life  and  you  cannot always be just a part of their family  and  want  to  have a family of your own. If you love someone, your relatives must respect it as you respect their opinion.
Try  to  show your relatives the good sides of the girl from different culture.  She  is  more  family oriented. Being in another country she would treat with respect and care the customs she cannot understand in the full size. She would orient on the opinion of her husband and will have to accept his family to be happy with him.
Be  patient,  talk and explain, and you will make people to understand you!
Romance Compass is the best way to find foreign wife! Don't hesitate to use it!

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